Free Frozen Custard and Steak

Frozen custard….Yeah!  Freddy’s invites you to celebrate with us on Friends & Family Day in Snellville on 1770 Scenic Hwy! You and one guest are invited to join us for a complimentary dine-in meal or mini treat!  We would tell you to get us one, but we can wait.  Some people never get such great freebies, but we are happy that we are here to share the love.

So come in between the hours of 11am and 1pm or 5pm to 7pm on Tomorrow Saturday  July 23rd

So grab your best friend, husband,wife,boyfriend,girlfriend and head to Freddy’s.


1770 Scenic Hwy

Snellville, GA

Date: July 23rd

Time: 11am-1pm or 5pm-7pm

frozen custard