Preserving the Dream outreach
In honour of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr we passed out toiletries, blankets , food,shoes, socks and more to those without Shelter. We serve over …
Sports and Adventure activities in Atlanta.
In honour of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr we passed out toiletries, blankets , food,shoes, socks and more to those without Shelter. We serve over …
Thank you to everyone that helped make out annual you giveaway a success. We passed out over a 100 toys to children in need.
We had back to back events Saturday we prepared meals for the homeless and passed them out. Sunday we gave free turkeys to the community
Special thanks to everyone that donated and volunteered to help make our Golden Years Valentine’s Day Bingo Event a success. We played bingo, passed out …
Today was amazing, I’m so thankful for everyone that helped made this event possible. We served over 100 people. We served food, snacks, drinks and …
We just want to take a second to Thank everyone that helped make this event a success. Starting with Skate Along USA for letting us …
we had a blast serving the community for our third annual falls giving Festival. We passed out over 100 costumes, provided free food, candy and …
Thanks to everyone that made our pop-up feed the homeless events assist we were able to feed over 100 people as well as provide clothing …
Today was beautiful we served over 80 people. We passed out toiletries, blankets, coats, hoodies, snack bags, hats and scarves. This was our first event …